After the success of the live music morning earlier this year, GARTH are hoping to raising funds to support a year long programme of music at the Royal Gwent Hospital and other locations in the Gwent Healthcare Trust.
People waiting for a hospital appointment can experience a strange mixture of feelings, boredom, restlessness, anxiety, even irritation. But a trial project in waiting areas in the Royal Gwent Hospital seems to be alleviating many of these feelings and has been given the thumbs up from patients and staff. In February 2006, virtuoso harpist, Harriet Earis, came to the hospital to play in five outpatients waiting areas and her soothing Celtic melodies have had an extremely positive effect on everyone. It was a joint venture funded by GARTH and Live Music Now.
One patient said “It was very, very, relaxing and made my appointment much easier. I definitely think it should be done again.” Sarah Goodey, arts development manager, with GARTH said “It was a leap into the unknown for us, but we had brilliant support from all staff in these areas and that made a huge difference."
All the feedback I collected from patients was positive, I think the presence of a live musician in the room gave a much-welcomed distraction. In main outpatients there was even a spontaneous burst of applause that Harriet certainly didn’t expect!”
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