Rosemary Edwards


I am a visual artist interested in the world around me, making work from and reflecting on everyday life. I use a range of recycled materials, photography and video, returning to the use of textiles again and again. Recycled textiles hold past stories, through making something from these I hope to create new stories and meanings for me and the viewer. 




instagram: @rhosynffoto

twitter: @Rosearia

image: Rosemary Edwards


Oliver Wilson-Dickson


I am a violinist and composer. I love traditional music, stories and combining the two. I tour around with my  groups ALAW, Jamie Smith’s Mabon and The Devil’s Violin to arts centres and festivals. I also perform in community settings such as residential homes and hospitals. 




instagram: @oli.musician

facebook: The Devil's Violin / Alaw

twitter: @olimusician


image: Oliver Wilson-Dickson


Aya and Deborah Aguirre Jones


Aya is a mommy of two cuties, a trainee mentor, just exploded a new hobby of art, creative and like doing craft, ambitious and positive and like to write poems sometimes

Deborah Aguirre Jones; artist on Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections, connects people with the new ABUHB hospital at Llanfrechfa.  




instagram: @ serena__22__  / @gofalugrange



Patrick Jones

(with Ethan Jones, Evan Jones and Elian Jones) 


I am a poet, playwright and writing practitioner with an acute interest in how writing can be used as a therapeutic tool in mental health and well being. We all have stories to tell and should find a way to do so.  I am writer in residence with The Royal College of Psychiatrists Wales.




instagram: @patrickjoneswriter

twitter: @heretic101

image: Patrick Jones

I'm Thinking of You Project